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Rocket, Leeds
11th March 2002

The best and worse concert so far.  Again there were many guitar problems including several broken strings and a broken guitar strap (during 'Womankind' – fortunately this was resolved just before the guitar solo).  At one point, Toby broke one of his guitar strings and ripped the others out in frustration.

On the other hand, the crowd in Leeds were phenomenal – they sang, clapped and cheered and generally carried the whole show at time.  Toby let the audience sing much more than he had at previous shows.

There was a TV crew present at the show – they recorded the show and some before and after-show interviews for a TV documentary.

Tonight’s ‘Don’t Pray For Me’ was a slightly different arrangement to the previous shows’ versions – it had a much rock-ier electric outro not unlike the later Angels live versions (listen to the Live Jam CD for an example).  

Dave Kemp sadly wasn’t present tonight – the absence of saxophone is especially noticeable on ‘Radical Your Lover’.

Guitarist Nick Dunne got a surprise during the show when Toby kissed him smack on the lips, at Newcastle all he got was a peck on the cheek.  As soon as the song was over he ran to a bottle of water and gargled very quickly!

All Roads Lead To You
Some People Are More Equal Than Others
Young Gods
Slipping Through Your Fingers
Inside Out
Don't Prey For Me
Radical Your Lover
I Won't Be With You
Refresh Yourself
Too Much Too Young
Harder All The Time
The Way That I Live

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